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Google and Orange partner to build a submarine cable connecting France and Europe
Google in partnership with Orange, a tech giant recently announced that they are building an undersea cable across the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. This cable would be 5500 kilometers long connecting the coasts of France and the United States.  The cable will open in 2020. The Cable is named ‘Durant’ after Henry Durant, founder […]

More than 9 million Wikipedia broken links rescued: All thanks to Internet Archive
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Google+ Finally Takes its Last Breath!

Google+ Finally Takes its Last Breath!

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Google shocked its users when it announced the end of Google+ all across the globe. Google+, a social media network was developed to give Facebook a competition but it failed in doing so. According to the company, Google+ failed to get the attention of the users and that the lack of audience is the main […]

Apple-1 sold at an auction for $375,000

Apple-1 sold at an auction for $375,000

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The first original Apple computer, also known as Apple-1 from 1976 was sold at an auction for $375,000 on Tuesday, 25th September 2018 in Boston. It was purchased by an Anonymous buyer. Apple-1 from 1976 is one of the few model that are still functional after so many years. Apple-1 as last sold in April […]

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Walmart files patent for its Smart Shopping Carts

Walmart files patent for its Smart Shopping Carts

Published 07/10/2019 16:40 | Tech News | comments
Walmart, an American multinational retail corporation filed a patent for its new smart shopping cart in August. This cart is equipped with biometric sensors that can track your heart rate, body temperature, grip on cart handle, stress levels and walking speed around the store.  This is similar to smartwatches which can measure the same things […]

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